Star Wars - Boba Fett - Bust (Interactive Room Guard) - (Zavvi)

Boba Fett is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, he is a bounty hunterhired by Darth Vader and also employed by Jabba the Hutt. He was also added briefly to the original film Star Wars when the film was digitally remastered. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones establishes his origin as an unaltered clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett raised as his son, but was a genetic clone. His aura of danger and mystery has created a cult following for the character.


Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away".


bust is a sculpted or cast representation of the upper part of the human figure, depicting a person's headand neck, and a variable portion of the chest and shoulders. The piece is normally supported by a plinth. The bust is generally a portrait intended to record the appearance of an individual, but may sometimes represent a type. They may be of any medium used for sculpture, such as marblebronzeterracottaplaster, wax or wood.

As a format that allows the most distinctive characteristics of an individual to be depicted with much less work, and therefore expense, and occupying far less space than a full-length statue, the bust has been since ancient times a popular style of life-size portrait sculpture. It can also be executed in weaker materials, such as terracotta.

A sculpture that only includes the head, perhaps with the neck, is more strictly called a "head", but this distinction is not always observed.


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