World of Warcraft - Tauren (horns missing) - Figurine

The peaceful tauren—known in their own tongue as the shu’halo—have long dwelled in Kalimdor, striving to preserve the balance of nature at the behest of their goddess, the Earth Mother. Until recently, the tauren lived as nomads scattered throughout the Barrens, hunting the great kodo beasts native to the arid region.

During the Third War, the mighty tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof had a chance encounter with the orcish Horde that explored Kalimdor. After befriending Warchief Thrall, Cairne and his tribe were able to fend off their enemies while they made a new home in Mulgore; the city of Thunder Bluff. Owing a debt to the orcs for their assistance, the tauren joined Thrall on Mount Hyjal to defend Kalimdor from the demons of the Burning Legion.

For years the tauren flourished throughout Mulgore, but tragedy befell them following the campaign against the Lich King in Northrend. Believing that the reckless new warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, would lead the Horde to ruin, Cairne challenged the young orc to a duel. The tauren chieftain clearly had the upper hand...

However, unbeknownst to either of the duel’s combatants, Magatha Grimtotem, a tauren matriarch who harbored great contempt for Cairne, had poisoned Garrosh’s blade. The poison paralyzed Cairne, and Garrosh was able to slay him.

Magatha’s followers then stormed Thunder Bluff in an attempt to seize it. However, Baine, Cairne’s son, managed to launch a counterattack and retake the tauren capital, banishing Magatha and her followers from tauren lands. Despite the deadly encounter between Cairne and Garrosh, the tauren have not abandoned the Horde. Baine bravely took up the mantle of tauren leadership, and the Highmountain tauren have established a foothold on the growing Legion corruption near the Broken Isles.


World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is the second expansion set for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG) World of Warcraft, following The Burning Crusade. It launched on November 13, 2008 and sold 2.8 million copies within the first day, making it the fastest selling computer game of all time released at that point. The game added a substantial amount of new content into the game world, including the new continent of Northrend, home of the eponymous Lich King and his undead minions. In order to advance through Northrend, players are required to reach at least level 68 and the level cap for the expansion is 80. The first hero class was introduced, the Death Knight, that starts at level 55.


figurine (a diminutive form of the word figure) or statuette is a small statue that represents a human, deity or animal, or in practice a pair or small group of them. Figurines have been made in many media, with pottery, metal, wood, glass, and today plastic or resin the most significant. Ceramic figurines not made of porcelain are called terracottas in historical contexts.

Figures with movable parts, allowing limbs to be posed, are more likely to be called dollsmannequins, or action figures; or robots or automata, if they can move on their own. Figurines and miniatures are sometimes used in board games, such as chess, and tabletop role playing games.


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